
Portrait of Principal

Christina Allen-Roach, Principal

WHALEcome to Beulah Elementary School, home of the Whales!   I am so very proud and honored to serve as the principal of this incredible school.  Beulah Elementary is a true school family where faculty, parents, and community collaboratively support each other for the overall educational success of our students.

Beulah students display a strong work ethic and rise to meet the high expectations of faculty and parents.  Our faculty is highly trained and skilled to meet students' needs and ensure academic, physical, and social-emotional growth and success.  We are proud to have an active PTA and community partners that give their time, energy, and gifts to support and nurture our students and faculty.

Our school believes wholeheartedly in our theme, “All Hands on Deck!”  Our students benefit the most from having all stakeholders engage in supporting student needs, from educational to physical to social-emotional.  It takes all hands on deck to accomplish the main goal of growing our students to reach their maximum potential.

The Beulah school team celebrates working in a collaborative culture with our sole focus on learning to support student growth and success.  Our teachers are commended for the time they invest in professional learning, team planning, and data conversations, as these are the key pieces that enhance student learning and performance outcomes.  Additionally, we continue to implement our SWIM expectations as a Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) school, as well as continue on our work as a social-emotional learning school.  

Beulah students receive remediation and/or enrichment through small group instruction offered in reading, math, and science. We use various funding sources to provide additional teaching support at Beulah with our reading and math interventionists and after school learning opportunities.  All students have 1:1 Chromebook devices to facilitate work through our various digital learning resources.

Our school team will continue to focus on implementing effective teaching and learning strategies to meet the diverse needs of our students; offering student leadership opportunities; and building strong partnerships with our stakeholders.

Christina Allen-Roach, Ed.D (
Beulah Elementary School-CCPS (Facebook)
@beulahwhales (Twitter

Portrait of Bouchard

Mrs. Jennifer Bouchard - Assistant Principal

I began my educational journey at Richard Bland College where I earned my Associate’s degree. From there, I went to Virginia Commonwealth University (Go Rams!) and earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2001. In 2010, I earned my Master’s of Education in Curriculum & Instruction from Averett University, followed by a Post-Master’s endorsement in Educational Leadership from The George Washington University in 2013.

I have been in education for over 20 years. Before joining Beulah, I dedicated 16 years to teaching in Hopewell Public Schools. In 2017, I joined Team Chesterfield as a Dean of Students at Ettrick Elementary and served there for 2 ½ years before being selected as the Assistant Principal at Amelia County Elementary School where I have served for 1 ½ years. 

My husband and I, along with our two children, live here in Chesterfield County. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching my kids play soccer, reading, and spending as much time as possible near any type of water.

I love being a part of the Beulah Elementary School community. I truly look forward to getting to know the students, families, and staff each year. I am a believer in building relationships. It takes a strong partnership between school and home to ensure all students are successful. I look forward to a wonderful school year with our Beulah Whales!

Portrait of Diana Rios

Mrs. Diana Rios - Assistant Principal

It’s a great day to be a Beulah Whale! I am honored to serve alongside Dr. Allen-Roach, Mrs. Bouchard, Mr. Shook, and the hardworking faculty and staff of Beulah Elementary as Assistant Principal. The culturally rich population of Beulah is one with which I am familiar and have served throughout my career.

I am originally from San Antonio, Texas, and I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Education from Texas State University in 1998. As a military spouse, my educational experience spans five states and over 17 years. Since my husband retired from the Army in 2021, we have decided to call Chesterfield County our forever home. My twin 19-year-old boys attended Chesterfield County schools and are now at Virginia Tech in the Corp of Cadets. Go Hokies! I joined Chesterfield County Public Schools in 2016 as a teacher at Ettrick Elementary. After several years of teaching, I pursued my Master’s in Education Administration and Supervision from Liberty University and graduated in May of 2020. Currently, I am completing my doctoral degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies through Virginia Tech and expect to complete and defend my dissertation this Fall.

As a parent myself, I understand the difficulties and pressures that come with the school year. My passion lies in working with children and fostering positive relationships with students and their families. I believe that strong relationships create a supportive and secure learning environment where every student feels valued. This environment not only promotes academic and social growth but also aligns with Beulah's vision. I'm committed to working closely with Beulah’s teachers and staff to realize this vision while also building enduring relationships with parents, students, and our community partners. I deeply appreciate the trust you place in us as parents and am dedicated to embodying our school’s theme of “All Hands on Deck.”  Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Beulah Whales SWIM Strong,
Diana Rios (
Assistant Principal
Beulah Elementary

Portrait of Dean

Ryan Shook, Dean of Students

Hello Beulah Families!

My name is Ryan Shook and I am your new Dean of Students for the 2024-2025 school year. I am incredibly excited to join this school community as the newest member of the administrative team at Beulah Elementary School. This school year, I am joining Dr. Allen-Roach, Mrs. Bouchard, and Mrs. Rios as we lead and support the staff at Beulah to achieve excellence and SWIM to greatness.

I am a Chesterfield native, graduating from Matoaca High School. I went to college and received my Masters in Teaching from Virginia Commonwealth University. I have spent my entire career at Ettrick Elementary School, teaching PE for 8 years. During the 2022-2023 school year, I completed the  Educational Leadership program at Longwood University and earned my Administration and Supervision Endorsement for Prek-12.

My wife Kaitlyn and I live in Chesterfield and we have two young boys, Charlie and Joey. In my free time, I love to cook, exercise, play golf, and spend time with my young family. I truly believe that anything is possible through hard work and determination. I am ready to begin the year and I am All Hands on Deck!

Ryan Shook
Dean of Students